Since 1967 the TSASA has provided a focal point for trailer sailer owners across South Australia, helping members to maximise the use of their boats and their enjoyment of sailing. This is where the more experienced help the less skilled to become more proficient, safer sailers within a friendly atmosphere. Most of all this is where friendships are made while enjoying the thrill of being on the water.
Go to the About page to learn more about who we are and what we do, our have a look at our photoGalleryand Videos pages to see how much fun we have.
Important Disclaimer
Nothing in this publication is, or is to be taken as advice, and, except for authorised statements, any other statement or opinion is that of the contributor or advertiser and not the TSASA. The TSASA, its officers and members expressly disclaim any liability to any person for anything done or admitted to be done in reliance upon anything contained in this publication.
Publication of an advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the TSASA of any service or product, or warrant its suitability.
Prospective new members can now use the online Membership Registration tool on the Membership Page.
Event Registration
Members can now register to join an event using the online tool available from the Event Details page. You will automatically receive a confirmation that you have been registered for the event.